Photo Gallery
Bonfire 2008 - Bonfire at the Rendleman farm (4 photos)
Sept 2009 - A DM contingent competes in charity Bocce tourney
Christmas Caroling 2006 - Visiting a local nursing home to spread holiday cheer (12 photos)
Chicago Chapter?? - Some old friends and applicants for a Chicago Chapter of the Depressed Men Fellowship (2 photos)
Halloween 2008 - A visit to Tres Hombres on Halloween (12 photos)
Lick Creek 2003 - The original visit (8 photos)
Lick Creek 2005 - A visit to the Lick Creek General Store (10 photos)
Lick Creek 2006 - We're back in 2006 (7 photos)
New Year's Eve 2006 - Ringing in 2007 with friends (11 photos)
New Year's Eve 2007 - A smaller group rings in 2008 (1 Photo)
New Year's Eve 2008 - Another enjoyable New Year's party (9 photos)
Ruby Moving Day - helping a friend load up a truck(3 photos)
Shooting Day 2007 - 2nd Amendment fun at the farm (7 photos)
Tent Closing 2008 - the final night in the Tent for 2008 (10 photos)
Thursday Night Fellowship - Candid shots from Thursday nights (11 photos - 2 added 5-5-09)