Depressed Men Fellowship

Depressed in Name Only

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What gives with the name? Are you really depressed? If so why?
A: The name comes from a nickname given the group by one member's wife when the book club was studying a book called "Spiritual Depression".

Q: Where are you located?
A: Most of our members live in and around Carbondale, IL. Likewise most of our gatherings occur in Carbondale, though several other Southern Illinois communities are represented by our members.

Q: Are women welcome at your meetings?
A: Because of the nature of the book study/prayer time women have not historically been part of that portion of our meetings. Men often share very personal issues during the prayer time. However, women (often wives, children or girlfriends of members) have participated in the fellowship portion following the book study. Additionally, members and their wives have regular gatherings and activities; picnics, holiday parties, etc.

Q: What kinds of books have you studied?
A: Because the central characteristic of most of the members is their faith in Jesus Christ, most of the books read have been on faith-related topics, though books on science, social issues, history and other topics have been read and discussed. Also from time to time the group will attend a concert, speaker presentation or invite a special speaker to the group.

For is a list of the books/activities of the group since its inception click here

Q: So what church are you a part of?
A: The Depressed Men group is not a program or ministry of any particular church or denomination. Members cover a cross-section of church affiliations including some that don't attend church at all. Everyone is welcome.

The members are about as diverse as a group can be. There are educators, students, engineers, pastors, auto mechanics, business owners, musicians, and many other professional types represented - from college age up to those in their 50's & 60's.

More to come ...

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